What is a ductless AC mini-split system?

A ductless AC mini-split system is a type of home heating and cooling system that does not require ductwork. This type of system is composed of an outdoor compressor/condenser unit and one or more indoor air handling units, called “blowers”. The blowers are connected to the outdoor unit by refrigerant lines and power cables.

Ductless AC mini-split systems offer many advantages over traditional central air conditioning systems. First, they are much more energy efficient, since they do not have to blow cooled air through a network of ducts. Second, they can be installed in rooms where there is no existing ductwork, such as attics, garages, or basements. Third, they can provide individualized cooling for different parts of your house. Finally, they are relatively inexpensive to install and operate.

HVAC systems have come a long way over the years. Older homes may still have the traditional duct system with vents in every room. However, this is not the most efficient way to cool your home. A ductless AC mini-split system can be a great alternative.

One of the benefits of a mini-split system is that it is more efficient than a traditional duct system. With a mini-split, you only cool the rooms that are occupied, which saves energy and lowers your cooling costs. Additionally, since there are no ducts, you won’t experience any cold spots in your home.

Another benefit of a mini-split system is that it is more flexible than a traditional duct system. With a mini-split, you can cooling one room or multiple rooms depending on your needs.